Friday, April 8, 2016


The guard-towers of the Greywall Clan stand strong once again, overseeing the mountain pass. A new wall has been erected, in its center a slab of smooth obsidian will forever hold the names of the Heroes that died to protect the Sword Coast from the Tyranny of the Dark Queen.

Tarkin and Inala look at the golden dwarven runes carved in the black stone: Arrakas, Olo, Ruthinn, Rildinel. So many other names, of the brave men and women that fought against the power of a goddess. Their names will never be forgotten, but most importantly, the legend of their bravery will live forever, not only in the cold stone, but in the songs of bards and on the pages of history books.

And in the hearts of those that fight, against all odds, when darkness threatens to smother the light. Their sacrifice will be a reminder to those that fear, to those that falter. Because no matter the strength of the villains, no matter their power, even a goddess will fall, when good people unite and fight together. 

Their memory will give all that look at the wall the one weapon they need against gloom and despair.


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