Thursday, September 25, 2014


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Young Green Dragon

Venomfang was a green dragon who made his lair in an old wizard's tower in the ruins of Thundertree village. After killing the giant spiders infesting the tower, Venomfang decided to lie low for a time.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Session 4 (1,450 xp)

Heroes: Lewion, Kerrik, Olo, Numo, Jalazar.

The Heroes travel to Thundertree, where they must contend with Ash Zombies, and weird plant creatures. Eventually they meet Reidoth the Druid, who tells them that the ruins are now inhabited by a young green dragon, and several cultists treating the warm like a god.

The party volunteers to take care of the dragon, and lay ambush to the ruined tower where he lairs. The fight against Venomfang is brutal, and several Heroes are on the brink of death. But with the last of their strength, they manage to slash at the beast one last time, killing it, and claiming its treasure!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Session 3 (575 xp)

Heroes: Lewion, Kerrik, Olo, Jalazar.

The Heroes are still searching for the location of Cragmaw Castle, where the dwarf Gundren Rockseer is kept prisoner. In the meanwhile, they help the townsfolk where they can.

The travel to Conyberry to persuade a banshee to reveal the secret location of an ancient book; they deal with a Red Wizard necromancer and his pet zombies; they take care of orc bandits at Wyvern Tor. Still, the location of Cragmaw Castle eludes them.

By speaking once more with the townsfolk at Phandalin, they learn that the druid Reidoth is the one that know the region best; to speak with him, they must travel to the ruins of Thundertree.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Phandalin's Townsfolk

Toblen Stonehill. Innkeeper and Owner of Stonehill Inn.

Elmar Barthen. Owner of Barthen's Provisions, a trading post.

Daran Edermath. Retired half-elf adventurer who lives in a tidy little cottage beside an apple orchard. Member of the Order of the Gauntlet.

Linene Graywind. Runs a trading post for the Lionshield Coster merchant company.

Halia Thornton. Runs the Phandalin Miner's Exchange trading post. Member of the Zhentarim

Qelline Alderleaf. Helpful halfling farmer whose son, Carp, knows a secret way into the Redbrands' hideout. Olo's aunt.

Sister Garaele. Elf cleric of Tymora and Harper agent.

Harbin Wester. Townmaster of Phandalin.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


The frontier town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving human town whose people were fir my allied wit the dwarves and gnomes of the Phandelver's Pact. However, the same orc horde that sacked the mines at Wave Echo Cave laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries.

In the last three or four years, hardy settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin. A bustling frontier settlement has grown up on the site of the old town, and is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains.

Session 2 (480 xp)

Heroes: Lewion, Kerrik, Olo, Numo, Jalazar.

The Heroes arrive in Phandalin, stopping first at Barthen's Provisions to deliver the wagon full of supplies. After a night of rest, they have the opportunity to visit the town and meet the locals, many of whom seem to have some job for the party.

Soon the Heroes get in trouble with the Redbrands, a band of thugs terrorising Phandalin. They decide to take care of this threat first, and after a first fight on the streets of the town, they Heroes track the bandits to their hideout under Tresendar manor.

There they kill many bandits, rescue a few prisoners, but most importantly they capture Glasstaff, the bandit's leader. To their surprise, he is none other than Iarno Albrek, a former member of the Lord's Alliance, now turned bandit lord at the service of a mysterious mastermind called the Spider.

The Heroes deliver him to Sildar, and enjoy the accolades of the townsfolk, now free from the Redbrands.