Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Session 2 (480 xp)

Heroes: Lewion, Kerrik, Olo, Numo, Jalazar.

The Heroes arrive in Phandalin, stopping first at Barthen's Provisions to deliver the wagon full of supplies. After a night of rest, they have the opportunity to visit the town and meet the locals, many of whom seem to have some job for the party.

Soon the Heroes get in trouble with the Redbrands, a band of thugs terrorising Phandalin. They decide to take care of this threat first, and after a first fight on the streets of the town, they Heroes track the bandits to their hideout under Tresendar manor.

There they kill many bandits, rescue a few prisoners, but most importantly they capture Glasstaff, the bandit's leader. To their surprise, he is none other than Iarno Albrek, a former member of the Lord's Alliance, now turned bandit lord at the service of a mysterious mastermind called the Spider.

The Heroes deliver him to Sildar, and enjoy the accolades of the townsfolk, now free from the Redbrands.

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