Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Session 5 (560 xp)

Heroes: Kerrik, Lewion, Olo, Jalazar, Lhariel

The Heroes meet the elven druid Lhariel, who congratulates them for having slain the dragon, and offers his help in their future adventures.

The Heroes explore the remaining buildings, and meet a group of cultists affiliated with the Cult of the Dragon, an evil organization aiming at conquering and terrorizing the nearby territories. The meeting ends in slaughter, as the Heroes kill the cultists.

Back to the druid Reidoth, the Heroes learn of the location of Cragmaw Castle to the south. They travel there, and infiltrate the compound, now inhabited by goblins led by King Grol, a fearsome bugbear.

When they meet the king, he's not alone: his pet wolf, and a female dark elf are with him, together with the unconscious Gundren Rockseeker, the dwarf they've been searching for so long. The Heroes attack and defeat their opponents, believing the dark elf to be the Black Spider himself; but they're disappointed to discover that the creature is a doppleganger.

Having rescued Gundren, the dwarf begs the Heroes to accompany him back to Phandalin, and then go to reclaim Wave Echo Cave, the mythical mines he's searched for long years, now probably infested with the servants of the Black Spider.

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