Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Session 7 (1,130 xp)

Heroes: Lhariel, Jalazar, Kerrik, Olo, Lewion.

The Heroes encounter and fight more flesh-eating undead in the abandoned caves, including a fearsome flameskull blasting them with fiery explosions!

Further to the north they meet a group of bugbear minions of the Black Spider, led by a doppleganger. Not too far from them, they discover the holding cell of one of the Rockseeker brothers, luckily still alive: upon regaining consciousness, he points the Heroes to where the Black Spider was seen last.

In the Temple of Dumathoin, keeper of secrets under the mountain, they face the Black Spider, a dark elf wizard and criminal mastermind, and his pet giant spiders. The villain tries to entangle the Heroes in his magical webs, while his spiders nibble at them.

With team-work and a bit of luck, the Heroes defeat the spiders, and kill the Black Spider, putting an end to his nefarious plans.

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