Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Session 10 (300 xp)

Heroes: Kerrik, Lhariel, Lewion, Saerdna, Jalazar, Olo.

The raiders' attack continues, and the Heroes are called to the battlements to face Lennithon, a fearsome blue dragon. Against all odds, their arrows and spells wound the dragon enough to send him away.

Then the Heroes infiltrate the town once again to capture a few prisoners for interrogation, and while there they manage to save the mill from a fire. But their troubles are not yet over, as they have to rescue a group of townsfolk stuck inside a temple of Chauntea.

Back at the keep, they enjoy a short rest, but before dawn comes, the half-dragon Langdedrosa Cyanwrath, leading his kobold troops, challenges one of the Heroes to a duel: if they will not accept, several innocent townsfolk will suffer the consequences.

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