Thursday, December 18, 2014

Session 9 (400 xp)

Heroes: Kerrik, Lewion, Saerdna.

The Heroes travel along the Sword Coast, following an ancient measure map recovered during their last adventure. On their way, they come upon a crossroads inn, where they meet Saerdna, a cleric of Selune and fellow adventurer. They decide to join forces, and continue in their travels.

They arrive at the town of Greenest, only to find it under attack from an army of kobolds, cultists, and even a dragon! The Heroes do what they can to bring has many villages as possible to safety, and eventually reach the keep, where they meet the leaders of the town.

Governor Nightfall and Castellan Escobert the Red accept the Heroes' offer to help the town against the invaders. During their first forays, the Heroes learn that the kobolds and the cultists are following the orders of a priest of Tiamat called Frulam Mondath, and that their mission is to acquire as much loot as possible.

But the night is still long, and the Heroes are called to defend a breached sally port. After a deadly fight, they manage to seal the gate, but the battle for Greenest has just begun!

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