Thursday, February 19, 2015


Dragonborn Paladin (Soldier)

Draugh was a descendant of one of the mightiest of dragonkinds, the Green Flight.

 Draugh's tribe was called the Green Nomads, for they were Green and nomads. They were nomadic in kind because of the mission and their belief in life. The Green Nomads believed life and death would always have to be balanced, one way or the other. Because of their fearsome look and horrible ancestry the Green Nomads could never dwell anywhere for long.

I am certain this too proved its role in them becoming nomads. One day they ran into another tribe of Dragonborn, most peculiarly the Dragonborn from this tribe were made out of several colours. Black, blue, red, copper and even a green Dragonborn . As is known among all Dragonborn, but not among the lesser races, not all kinds of Dragonborn get along very well. It was therefore very interesting to the Green Nomads to see such a peculiar tribe roaming the planes. The elders of the Green Nomads decided that the other tribe could be no good, they were out of balance, for no Dragonborn of one kind could live next to another. Future, it would seem, would prove them to be right.

Several weeks after the Unbalanced, as they were now called by the Green Nomads, had left they found a gravely wounded Green Dragonborn on their path. As anyone in the same situation would have done they decided to tend to his wounds back in their camp. His body seemed riddled with claw- and scorchmarks. The wounds smelled of sulphur, the mark of a black Dragonborn. Draugh's talents had always more physical of nature. He had thus been assigned to the department that took care of the defense of the tribe.

The elders decided it was time for action, Draugh and his fellow soldiers had to patrol around the tribe to ensure its safety. Half an hour after the soldiers' department from the camp the wounded Dragonborn opened his eyes. He flailed his arms around wildly whilst shouting "Tiamat, Tiamat!". At exactly the same moment the soldiers were attacked by black and red Dragonborn. The vile attackers managed to cut off the tribe from their soldiers by means of fire. Fire! The irony, to be cut off from their friends and family by their own heritage. Few attackers survived, yet fewer defenders stood upright after the attack. Many were burnt to a crisp during the assault. The surviving Green Nomad soldiers quickly came to the aid of their tribe, only to find they had arrived too late.

Every single Green Dragonborn had been killed, all, except the crazed Dragonkind they had found earlier. He was feasting upon the corpses of the fallen, shouting and growling in the honour of Tiamat. Garrin, Draugh's commander and chief, promoted the latter to the rank of Captain in their new order. The Green Nomads were no more, the Green Fist had been born. Their only purpose was to bring balance back to these planes, rest for their fallen family and comrades.

Draugh decided that day that not only balance would be enough but that he would henceforth live life to the fullest. He planned to indulge himself in the world of the lesser races, as long as he would still be able to honour his vow to the Balance of Chaos.

Death (session 20): The halfling Olo slit his throat while he was unconscious...

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