Thursday, February 5, 2015

Session 13 (1,025 xp)

Heroes: Rake, Lewion, Olo, Lhariel.

The Heroes encounter scores of kobolds in the lower levels of the caves, a long fight that eventually brings them into a shrine of Tiamat. There, waiting for them, are Frulam and Langdredrosa, together with a trio of savage berserkers.

The party throws everything they have at their enemies, and emerge victorious, killing Langdredrosa and capturing Frulam for interrogation; the priestess reveals some information about the cultists next target, but her fate is sealed. Lewion takes bloody revenge with a sharp dagger.

Heavily injured, they decide to rest for awhile, before clearing out the rest of the compound. When they find three remaining dragon eggs, they smash them to make sure no more of the monsters are hatched. Then they leave the caves, ready to travel to Elthurel to report to the monks.

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