Heroes: Olo, Tarkin, Ruthinn, Arrakas
The Heroes find refuge among the ruins of the town, while the remaining cultists retreat to the main tower. The day after, together with Kerrik and a few brave villagers, the Heroes assault the tower, and defeat all the remaining villains: Thundertree is free once again!
After some celebration, the Heroes return to Waterdeep by using Ruthinn's word of recall spell. There, they attend to the last Council of the Great Lords of the Sword Coast. The final preparations are at hand, and already several armies are marching to the Well of Dragons, while others gather at the front. The Council's spies have revealed that the ritual to summon Tiamat is nigh, and they must strike soon, or lose everything.
The Heroes, together with their most trusted allies, fly on dragon-back to the Well of Dragons; there, they witness the destruction wrought by the chromatic dragons and by the Cult of the Dragon, under the leadership of the mysterious Severin, Chosen of Tiamat.
Out of the Well of Dragons itself, a fiendish temple consacrated to Tiamat emerges, reaching high into the dark sky, one grotesque spire of dark stone surrounded by five more lesser spires. Flocks of chromatic dragons circle ahead, while all around the inactive volcano, hordes of Cultists, evil mercenaries, giants, evil humanoids and even devils from the Nine Hells are ready to face the united armies of the Lords' Alliance and their supporters.
As they survey the scene from the back of the mighty metallic dragons, the Heroes realize that the fate of the Sword Coast, and most probably the fate of all of Faerun, now lies in their hands.
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