Thursday, January 8, 2015

Session 11 (600 xp)

Heroes: Kerrik, Lhariel, Lewion, Saerdna, Olo.

Kerrik steps forward to accept the challenge, and against all odds he defeats the half-dragon, earning himself the nickname "Bluebane".

The leaders of the draconic army keep their word, and release the prisoners, just before leaving Greenest with their loot.

After a well-deserved rest, the Heroes are once again summoned by Governor Nighthill; he asks them to follow the raiders to their camp, to aquire more informations about their numbers, their motives, and their leaders.

As they prepare for leaving, they're approached by a wounded monk, one of the victims of the raiders' attack. He begs them to keep their eyes open for his superior, a half-elf monk by the name of Liosin. He believes he was captured by the attackers, and hopes he's still alive.

The Heroes travel south, and eventually come upon the raider's camp, enclosed on three sides by a steep cliff. Lewion and Saerdna use their magic to infiltrate the camp, and even discover a few prisoners shackled inside a hut. Their rescue attempt goes awry, and the camp is alerted. They manage to escape with their lives, but without the prisoners, while the enemy sends out hunting parties.

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