Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Session 12 (600 xp)

Heroes: Olo, Kerrik, Lewion, Rake.

The Heroes avoid the hunting parties, and find a place to hide and rest up. The day after, they come up with a plan to rescue the prisoners; unfortunately, it doesn't go very well, and Lewion is captured. He also meets the monk Liosin, who actually reveals he's not looking to be freed, as he plans to follow the raiders to understand more about their plans.

After a painful interrogation, Lewion convices Frulam Mondath, one of the leaders of the cultists, that he's willing to cooperate. He guides a few of the cultists to the place where Kerrik and Olo are hiding, and then the Heroes ambush and kill them.

Olo inflitrates the raiders' camp one last time to recover Lewion's magical staff and spellbook, and then the Heroes decide to return to Greenest instead of risking one more suicidal incursion in the camp.

Back in Greenest, they report their findings to Governor Nighthill, who praises them once again. The Heroes enjoy a well deserved rest.

A couple of days later, they're approached again by monks who are not willing to accept the fact that Liosin is still prisoner. They beg the Heroes to go back to the camp and make sure Liosin is still alive. To help them out, they offer the help of Rake the barbarian.

The Heroes travel back to the camp, and they find it empty: the raiders have moved on. Now that the way is free, the Heroes have to chance to explore the cave that should contain the dragon eggs that the cult wants to hatch. But the complex is not unguarded, and they soon come into violent contact with those cultist still guarding the eggs.

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