Thursday, March 19, 2015

Session 16

Heroes: Rake, Lhariel, Lewion, Olo.

With bad weather incoming, the caravan seeks refuge at a road-side inn. Unfortunately the whole inn has been booked by a party of four "noblemen". When Rake tries to convince them to allow the rest of the caravan to stay at the inn, a fight erupts, and the noblemen reveal themselves as deadly assassins. Accepting defeat, the Heroes and the caravan spend the night in the cold.

In the next few days, the caravan has a dangerous encounter with a group of ettercaps and giant spiders. But the caravan's mood is soon restored by the appearance of a Golden Stag, a blessed creature who guides the Heroes to the discovery of a magical bow.

The Heroes reach Daggerford, where they can enjoy some rest, and where a few new travellers join the caravan; among them, Azbara Jos, a thayan wizard, and Jamna Gleamsilver, a gnome with a secret agenda. Not long after leaving Daggerford, one of the cultist is found dead; his companions accuse the Heroes of the murder, but with no hard evidence the situation is rapidly defused.

A few more days of travel, and the caravan finally reaches Waterdeep, city of Splendors, and Crown of the North.

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