Thursday, March 26, 2015


Tiefling (or maybe halfling?) Sorcerer (Acolyte) 

She remembered nothing but the monastery. It was where she had grown up to be the young woman she was now. The monks had taught here everything she knew. Writing, reading, everything you needed to be able to live a normal life in this world. Well, as normal as things could get if you had horns growing from your head.

Nethnarei was left at the monastery’s doorstep as a baby. Most likely abandoned because of her infernal heritage. She could not hide it. The horns growing out of her head made it very clear she was a tiefling. But the monks did not care, they only wanted for Nethnarei to be the best person she could be. And she had been for the first 15-16 years of her life. But then things started happening. Flames would flicker and roar just a little harder around her when she got angry. Water would turn to ice when she was sad, small things at first, but these occurrences grew in severity as Neth grew older. At first she thought it was test from the gods, but as things got more serious, she began to think it was a punishment for her infernal heritage.

But the monks told her otherwise, they told her it was a gift and if she could learn to control that gift, she would be able to do so much good in the world with this gift. So she started to practice, try and see if she could conjure up her powers at will. At first she struggled, but after a while, she started to get the hang of things. The monks praised her and even the villagers of the nearby town started to look forward to her visits, when she would help, talk and amuse the children with her little tricks. But things changed that one day.

She was amusing the kids in the town square, as she had done many times before. She was showing animals in the fire, playing and dancing. Suddenly, her vision blurred, a purple gleam threw itself over the world and next thing she knows, she is standing in the midst of a burned town square.

The monks told her afterwards that they heard a fire roar and when they looked back, her eyes were fully purple and that a giant dragon made of flames laid destruction to the town square. It was only when she slumped lifelessly to the ground that the dragon had faded from existence. They had no choice but to ask her to leave their monastery, for their own safety and that of the townspeople. So now she is on her way into the world, looking for answers concerning her parents & infernal heritage. But most importantly: to try and learn to control her so called ‘gift’.

Wild Magic Permanent Changes:
- Blue Skin
- 8 inches taller
- 9 years older
- reincarnated into a male halfling

Death (session 23): Killed by Azbara Jos and Rath Modar, two Red Wizards from Thay at the service of the Cult of the Dragon.

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