Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Session 17

Heroes: Olo, Nethnarei, Lhariel

The Heroes keep their eyes on the wagons of the Cultists, and follwo them to a warehouse in the norther part of town. There they meet Nethnarei, a tiefling sorceress with a bone to pick with the clutists. An alliance is rapidly formed.

More wagons arrive, preparing for further travel north. The Heroes enlist as caravan guards in order to follow the wagons to their final destination. During the trip north, they must fight against several monstrous creatures and bandits coming from the nearby Mere of Dead Men.

After 10 days of travel, they reach the Carnath Roadhouse. They immediately noticed that the cultist treasure chests are brought into a secure strong room, whose only key is in the possession of a burly half-orc supervisor.

During dinner, while Lhariel creates a diversion, Olo and Neth steal the key, and go to check the strong room; they're surprised to discover the room occupied by Lizardmen! The two escape confrontation, but are not pursued. The plot thickens...

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