Saturday, April 11, 2015

Session 18

Heroes: Nethnarei, Lewion, Lhariel, Olo, Jalazar.

The next day, the Heroes check again the strong room: this time the chamber is unoccupied, but all the chests containing the cultists' loot are gone! Investigating the room, the Heroes discover a secret tunnel.

They enter the tunnel, and they follow it until it opens once again in the proximity of the swamp. The Heroes follow the tracks of several humanoids deeps into the marches, and come into contact with a band of lizardmen. The encounter ends in violence, but the after killing the creatures the Heroes acquire their canoes, and proceed further.

Eventually, they come upon Castle Naerytar. It seems the Cult of the Dragon has made an alliance with tribes of lizardmen and bullywugs, who are patrolling the grounds. The Heroes infiltrate the castle, killing many of the humanoids, and several cultist. They also manage to defeat a member of the leadership of the Cult, an elven eldritch knight by the name of Dralmorrer Borngrey.

While investigating the castle, they also discover the private rooms of Rezmir, the half-dragon in charge of the Cult in the Sword Coast. Rezmir is not present, but by reading her journals they discover that below the castle there must be a portal, through which the cultist bring their loot to its final destination.

But the Heroes have by now attracted the attention of the remaining cultists, lizardmen, and bullywugs. They are forced to fight several hard battles, and end up barricading themselves in one of the towers. After losing so many of their numbers, the cultist retreat to prepare for a new assault.

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