Friday, May 1, 2015

Session 20

Heroes: Draugh, Olo, Nethnarei, Lewion, Lhariel.

The Heroes explore the dungeon, facing more bullywugs, until they reach the cavern where the portal is situated. They glance the red wizard Azbara Jos and the half-dragon Rezmir fleeing through the portal, leaving behind the bullywug shaman Pharblex and his remaining tribesmen. Lewion rapidly decimate the opposition with a well-placed fireball, and the Heroes finish Pharblex off without too much trouble. Before entering the portal, they decide to rest for a night in the dungeons.

The day after, they enter the portal, and they find themselves in a mountain valley, surrounded by a pine forest. In the distance, a hunting lodge can be spotted. They make their way to the lodge, but are intercepted by a couple of trolls with three ambush drakes hounds. Draugh convinces the trolls that he's an ally, but the situation rapidly degenerates when the troll, hungry for halfling flesh, see Olo.

The Heroes slay trolls and drakes, but Draugh falls unconscious in battle, and Olo cuts his throat to settle a few previous scores! Shocked, the rest of the party send Olo away, convinced he can't be trusted, and then bury their dead companion.

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