Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Avis Chee-Khen'Whincks

Aarakocra Monk (Hermit)

Avis had been found when a mere egg, the monks had told him. He and five of his kin were saved after a raid of a nearby village had successfully destroyed their eyrie. Most of the eggs, however, did not hatch. Avis was the only one of his tribe left, as far as he knew. He never really did wonder too much about it. The people of the monastery where he grew up were his kin. The monastery was the only area he'd ever known.

An outpost of the monastery had been robbed of all its precious items and a large amount of its food. It was therefore that Avis had been sent out to see what had happened, accompanied by a fellow monk of the monastery. He was scared, despite the direct surroundings around - and above - the monastery he had never gone anywhere out there. He knew, however, that he had always had a yearning to go out in the world. See if he could ever find any information about what had really happened to his eyrie."

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