Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Session 21

Heroes: Lewion, Lhariel, Nethnarei, Avis, Stonefist

Having spent the last year meditating in silence to receive a revelation, two wandering monks, Avis and Brother Stonefist, join the party to fulfil their destiny. Together, they approach the Hunting Lodge, but are intercepted by the kennel master (a four-armed troll) and his pets (six guard drakes).

Having dealt with the fearsome monsters, the Heroes infiltrate the lodge. There they face more cultists, and the half-elf Talis, a priestess of Tiamat. She offers the Heroes to join in her quest to ascend the rans of the cult, but when they refuse a fight begins.

The Heroes are victorious, and capture Talis. She reveals that the leadership of the cult, together with a huge hoard of treasure, have moved to a flying castle, momentarily stationed near the village of Parnast, not too far away. All their resources spent after the long day of fighting, the Heroes decide to rest at the lodge, planning their trip to Parnast.

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