Friday, May 29, 2015

Session 22

Heroes: Stonefist, Lhariel, Lewion, Nethnarei.

The Heroes travel to the town of Parnast, where they spot the floating ice castle looming at the edge of town. After a short skirmish with the cultists occupying the town, the Heroes steal a few wyverns, and fly to the castle.

There they manage to convince the ogre guards to let them in, but they are eventually discovered by Rezmir herself. Together with her cultists and her guard drakes, and wielding the evil sword Hazirawn, she kills Brother Stonefist. His death is avenged by the other Heroes, who emerge victorious from the difficult fight.

The Heroes decide to rest in one of the guard towers for a while; after a couple of hours, the cloud giant Blagothkus, lord of the ice castle, comes to them. He tells them of his "peculiar" alliance with the Cult of the Dragon: he hopes that the return of Tiamat will stir the giant race from their apathy, and unite them once again against a common enemy. As he bears no loyalty to Tiamat and the Cult, he does not resent the Heroes' actions.

On the contrary, he values strength and courage, and even though it might somehow delay his own plans, he encourages the Heroes to continue in their quest. Still a bit surprised, the Heroes gather their things, and proceed with the exploration of the castle, looking for whatever remains of Tiamat's servants.

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