Monday, October 26, 2015

Cira Softblossom

Elf Ranger (Outlander)

Fifty years past, Cira was still a young, carefree elven maiden with an astonishing talent for playing the lyre. This all changed when the village of the Softblossom tribe, far north in the woods of Icewind Dale, was attacked by a green dragon.

The dragon slaughtered many elves, before the hunters managed to send him away, but Cira saw that when the dragon retreated, he clutched in his talon her infant brother!

She set aside her musical studies, and began ranging north, to train her skills as a huntress. There she fought many dangerous beasts, among them a Winter Wolf that had just assaulted a party of dwarven merchants. She saved the dwarves, and they gifted her with a finely crafted crossbow. An unusual weapon for an elf, but she soon realised that with enough training, such a weapon would be even more lethal than an elven bow.

Reputing herself ready, she travelled south to track the green dragon. Eventually her research brought her even further south, to the City of Waterdeep. Rumors were spreading like dragonfire, the dragons had gathered, together with an unholy Cult, to conquer the Sword Coast.

Death (Session 31): Eaten by Chuth the Green Dragon.

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