Friday, October 30, 2015

Session 24

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Heroes: Olo, Tarkin, Ruthinn, Arrakas, Cira

Ruthinn and Tarkin are approached by Arrakas, a fellow member of the Order of the Gauntlet. He's seeking a man called Varram, apparently a high-ranking officer of the Cult of the Dragon. Their research brings them to the town of Boareskyr Bridge.

In the town, they meet Cira, an elven ranger with a deep hate for the Cult, and Olo, an halfling rogue on the mend from his previous altercations with the same villanous group.

The five of them join forces to track down Varram and his cultists. After gathering informations from the locals, they learn that Varram has moved east, to the Serpent Hills. The Heroes track the Cult throught the badlands, where they have a dangerous encounter with a pair of hill giants.

After three days of travel, they reach the Tomb of Diderius, an ancient ruin among the rocky cliffs. They spot an abandoned encampment of Cultist, and several of their corpses. Investigation reveals that the villains have been slaughtered by trolls.

The Heroes decide to find shelter, and rest for the night, before approaching the entrance of the tomb.

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