Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Session 25

Heroes: Olo, Tarkin, Ruthinn, Cira

The Heroes enter Diderius tomb, the ancient abode of a powerful wizard, now guarded by many traps and immortal guardians. They make their way through several rooms, here and there finding signs of the passage of the cultists before them.

They meet the ghost of a librarian, begging them to return at least one of the stolen tomes to the library, to allow her soul to rest in peace. She reveals that a tribe of yuan-ti has opened a tunnel inside the Tomb, and recommends extreme caution.

When the Heroes reach the resting place of Diderius, the spirit of the ancient wizard rewards their gentle manners by showing them the secret passage to access the yuan-ti lair. The Heroes proceed, and must fight against a group of lizardfolk guards.

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